Connecting to S3
Here’s a quick example of how to connect to AWS S3 using a JetML workflow.
Workflow Setup
- Add the boto3 package to enable Python to connect to S3 and other AWS services.
- Add your AWS credentials as environment variables to keep them separate than your code.
- Run the workflow.
- Copy over the example code below into a notebook on the running workflow.
Example Notebook
import boto3
def getS3(bucket,key):
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
obj = s3.Object(bucket,key)
return obj.get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
def saveS3(bucket,key,body):
session = boto3.Session()
s3_client = session.client('s3')
s3_client.put_object(Body=body,Bucket = bucket, Key=key)
except Exception as e:
return False
saveS3('bucket','file_name.txt','Example File contents')