Getting Started with JetML Guides and Code Samples

Selecting Instance Types

Selecting Instance Sizes

Choose the amount of virtual memory for your workflow. Look for gpu instance types for speeding up deep neural network workflows.

Selecting the right instance size

Small instances 1gb-4gb
Medium instances 8gb-32gb
Large instances 64gb-512gb
GPU instances 16gb+gpu and 61gb+gpu
Resources similar tosmart phonelaptopworkstationgraphics accelerated workstation
Jupyter notebook usagelightheavyheavyheavy
Good for deep learning (Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch, images, video, audio) or traditional workloads (csv, parquet, databases, scikit learn, pandas)traditionaltraditionaltraditionaldeep learning
Ability to load at once into memorysmall datasets (~1GB-4GB)large datasets (~4GB-32GB)large datasets (~32GB-512GB)large datasets (~16GB-61GB)
Capable of batch processing very large datasets with Pythonyesyesyesyes
Cost to run an hour$0.02 to $0.08$0.16 to $0.64$1.28 to $10.24$0.50 and $2.00
Running out of memory with your current instance type? Start a larger instance with enough memory to handle your workload – or refactor code to keep memory usage low such as processing large datasets in batches.